Sunday, April 5, 2009

Working On My Fitness......

Ok..So i've been bullshittin and eating way too many SNACKS....
So, it's time for me to start working on my fitness. Gotta get on point and stay there. Im less concerned with how much weight I lose, than I am with how I look in the mirror. I'm a nice size, I just need to be a more toned version of it. But I'm guesstimating about a 10 pound weight loss goal.
Here's my list of Do's & Don'ts....

1.Keep a Food Journal (That way I can be accountable for my food choices)
2.Water and Crystal Light Movement..No Juice, Mochas. And Coffee only when necessary
3.Stay away from Ranch!! *probably gonna be the toughest 1*
4.Get in at least 30 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week MINIMUM
5.Minimum of 10-15 minutes of ab work a day, 6 days a week
6.100 squats a week a minimum *ABSOLUTELY HARDEST PART FOR ME* Pain is not pleasure in this case...

Wish Me Luck, and i'll be checking in with my results...

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